Sunday, September 28, 2008

Toolkit start this off i'm going to copy and paste my educational links i have....then sort from there. So check back for updates =D

Innovative Online Technology Applied to Education
Google SketchUp - being a technology teacher myself, i found this interesting. Its basically free CAD software, for all users. The educational version is specifically designed for the learning environment. This is currently being used by schools internationally, at both the k-12 and collegiate level. This has huge potential for collaborative work through CAD, which is not easy to do because of the various software programs out there.

SecondLife in Academics - SecondLife is listed below under Tools. This wiki covers the various uses of SecondLife currently in education. Those uses range from simple flexible education and presentations, to complex role playing simulations. Many 'big' name universities are currently using SecondLife to conduct hybrid and distance courses.

Penn State Educational Gaming
- Penn state offers this site as a 'hub' for educational gaming, virtual worlds, and other 'new' technologies the university offers online. The site is both for staff and students and can be used for collaboration. The site also shows how machinima (real-time, 3d video creation in virtual worlds, a new, innovative technique) is being used in a classroom today, and discusses the progress being made.

Tools for Online Teaching:

Edutopia - vodcast and educational resource aiming at life-long learning. There is a brief video below featured from this sites work.

SecondLife - A tool that enhances social presence through the use of Avatars

Power Media Plus - Requires password. Multimedia tool/resources for teachers and students, covering a wide range of topics.

Open Course Ware Consortium
- Open Course Ware, links, and related updates

Open Educational Resources - Free to use resources for educators (wide array of field of interest and grade levels), connections to other educators, links to outside resources, news feed

Utah's Open Course Ware Alliance
- Access to Utah's course resources. No faculty access or degree credits offered, use for knowledge gain or reference for course design

TeacherTube - Like youtube, but designed solely for educational purposes. Video upload/download site.

The Rasterbater
- Creates huge posters of any image, simply print the multipage pdf file. Free.

Resources/Additional sites for teachers/students

Education Podcast Newtork - a listing of many educational podcasts

Higher Education Podcast Repository- interestingly enough, funded by University of Illinois Online. A 'search' engine of a data base of podcasts.

Education Podcasts- a data base site of educational podcasts; promoting higher education use as well as private/unique use.

8th Grade Sci-ber Text -Easily understandable explanations of matter, forces, machines, earth, and energy

American Society of Civil Engineers - Information regarding civil engineering fields, products, history, news, etc...

Engineers - Occupational Handbook information regarding engineering as a profession

Elements of Mass Communication - Free online college level Mass Communication course

Building BIG Forces - Simplified interactive lesson on forces

Building BIG Bridges - Simplified interactive lesson on bridge design

Process Capability - Animated learning example of CPK and CP (quality control)

EdNews - Regularly updated news feed relating to current issues in education

The Physics Classroom Tutorial - Newton's laws, Free body Diagrams, and kinematics explained in easy to comprehend format.

Signing online- Free Online instructional tutorial for learning sign language

Web2.0 - Background information regarding the medium you are currently using!

BBC Languages
- A site providing courses for foreign language aqcuisition, free of charge

Google Scholar- Open search engine for scholarly journals and print

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