Sunday, September 28, 2008



Reviewed/summarized three 'innovative' technologies being used today in online education. Oddly enough, it took me a few hours to 'find' what i was looking for. I tried using stumbleupon, google searches, etc. My problem: I was looking at it from a net-gen perspective. Everything i found wasn't 'new.' I wanted something created/applied for the first time TODAY. Something i had never heard of before. I didn't find it. Its out there, but i didn't find it. Machinima is new however; as an example of something not 'created' today yet still considered new. Hell, many of today's educators consider wikis/blogs/podcasts 'new.' Shame.

Reviewed some podcasts, expanded Toolkit, and will continue to work on general layout/navigation of this site.

Here's a review of the three podcasts i listened to...
Online Footprint- a long podcast discussing web 1.0, web 2.0, educational applications of each. Also forecasts web3.0 use.

Look What I Made - DIY indie music podcast with Kevin Pike-Episode 19 (Sea Monkey)-a podcast explaining how he creates some of his music. The topic isn't important, the fact is this podcast aims at educating a mass audience, and seeing as it is from the channels site, and seeing how many episodes there are, i am going to assume it is relatively successful.

A night in the global village- from This is actually a vodcast- this video really struck a cord in me. I will embed a shortened version (original over 9min in length) in my toolkit. The vodcast participants certainly learned a life's lesson, and viewers of the podcast could live vicariously through their experiences. This is truly a life-altering experience for the participants.
Browsed other's toolkits, many of the links were similiar to ones i had, but I did note a few differences as well. Took some ideas from those differences, i'll be updating the Toolkit soon...

Decided to move the following passage here as a "reflection of eportfolios" instead of using it as my homepage. I will be revising the homepage following this move.

E-portfolios are here to stay, and for good reason. Their construction is easy to manage and seemingly primitive for Web2.0 and recent technology improvements. Although an e-portfolio can be thought of as simply a data management/organizational tool, due to the capabilities of Web2.0 an e-portfolio can be so much more. Using the web2.0 we currently use, e-portfolios can incorporate interactive social networks, and allow for assessment of theory versus management tools, and create interactive learning opportunities across a wide spectrum.

There are many tools that allow creation and development of an e-portfolio. Many tools not only aid in the composing process, but also support various “application” functions. I find myself to be a huge fan of google, so lets focus on what Google has to offer!

Google’s list of applications that can aid in development in support of e-portfolios is long, ranging from blog apps, to document apps, to video and image apps, even to calendar apps. All the applications work seamlessly with each other, allowing the user to create a diverse and complete e-portfolio package. Some of the benefits with using the Google apps are: Automatic saving, data retrieval, simple function and form, compatibility with mac, pc, Microsoft, and other major labels, easy sharing, simple editing features, and more and more importantly today, accessibility from just about anywhere.

I honestly scratched my head for a while trying to think of negatives to using Google’s e-portfolio supporting apps, and I cam up empty. I admittedly am biased towards Google’s apps, yet sincerely came up empty.

All in all, there are several available services and supporting apps, it is fairly easy to compose an e-portfolio today!


Barret, H (2008 Aug 3). Google Apps for e-portfolios. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from Dr. Helen Barrets Electronic Portfolios Web site:

Batson, t (2008, April 16). ePortfolios: Hot Once Again. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from Campus Technology Web site:

Jafari, A (2004). The "Sticky" ePortfolio System: Tackling Challenges and Identifying Attributes. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from EduCause Web site:

Farmer, J (2007). The Inevitable Personal Learning Environment Post. Retrieved September 16, 2008, from Incorporated Subversion Web site:

After viewing profiles from other members, I have some more ideas on how to better the appearance of my e-portfolio. My choice to use Blogger instead google.sites allows for a unique outline automatically, but still changes can be made.

For one, I added an image and a more complete profile of myself, to give the viewer a better sense of who I am.

In addition, I am going to "boost" my use of multi-media on my blog, displaying my skills to incorporate videos and sound into my e-portfolio. Enjoy =D
Upon progressing through the ePortfolio assignment, i see the need for additional pages. With Blogger, it does not seem easy to build additional pages into the framework of the blog. For now, this reflections post will appear as a blog post. I have enabled blog pages, so if you click on the post title it does bring you to its very own webpage; however i seem to have difficulty putting that page in a folder for easy access, rather than scrolling through my postings. (something to address in future changes)
Actually, my mind was not at ease about this issue, and i researched it quickly and found a great web tutorial video regarding the use of Blogger for ePortfolios. Check out this link here
I will be modifying my template based on that video. I'll update this page as soon as the changes have been made to reflect upon said changes.

After having made the changes, here's what I have to say:
The author of that tutorial video solved an issue with creativity. The method of producing my e-portfolio as it reads to-date is not the most efficient, or simplest, but certainly it works, something that it did not do in the past.

A blog is a vertical listing of multiple posts, not links to individual pages. Now, i can have my main page so that my blog posts are visible, and i can have links to individual blog pages =D

Toolkit start this off i'm going to copy and paste my educational links i have....then sort from there. So check back for updates =D

Innovative Online Technology Applied to Education
Google SketchUp - being a technology teacher myself, i found this interesting. Its basically free CAD software, for all users. The educational version is specifically designed for the learning environment. This is currently being used by schools internationally, at both the k-12 and collegiate level. This has huge potential for collaborative work through CAD, which is not easy to do because of the various software programs out there.

SecondLife in Academics - SecondLife is listed below under Tools. This wiki covers the various uses of SecondLife currently in education. Those uses range from simple flexible education and presentations, to complex role playing simulations. Many 'big' name universities are currently using SecondLife to conduct hybrid and distance courses.

Penn State Educational Gaming
- Penn state offers this site as a 'hub' for educational gaming, virtual worlds, and other 'new' technologies the university offers online. The site is both for staff and students and can be used for collaboration. The site also shows how machinima (real-time, 3d video creation in virtual worlds, a new, innovative technique) is being used in a classroom today, and discusses the progress being made.

Tools for Online Teaching:

Edutopia - vodcast and educational resource aiming at life-long learning. There is a brief video below featured from this sites work.

SecondLife - A tool that enhances social presence through the use of Avatars

Power Media Plus - Requires password. Multimedia tool/resources for teachers and students, covering a wide range of topics.

Open Course Ware Consortium
- Open Course Ware, links, and related updates

Open Educational Resources - Free to use resources for educators (wide array of field of interest and grade levels), connections to other educators, links to outside resources, news feed

Utah's Open Course Ware Alliance
- Access to Utah's course resources. No faculty access or degree credits offered, use for knowledge gain or reference for course design

TeacherTube - Like youtube, but designed solely for educational purposes. Video upload/download site.

The Rasterbater
- Creates huge posters of any image, simply print the multipage pdf file. Free.

Resources/Additional sites for teachers/students

Education Podcast Newtork - a listing of many educational podcasts

Higher Education Podcast Repository- interestingly enough, funded by University of Illinois Online. A 'search' engine of a data base of podcasts.

Education Podcasts- a data base site of educational podcasts; promoting higher education use as well as private/unique use.

8th Grade Sci-ber Text -Easily understandable explanations of matter, forces, machines, earth, and energy

American Society of Civil Engineers - Information regarding civil engineering fields, products, history, news, etc...

Engineers - Occupational Handbook information regarding engineering as a profession

Elements of Mass Communication - Free online college level Mass Communication course

Building BIG Forces - Simplified interactive lesson on forces

Building BIG Bridges - Simplified interactive lesson on bridge design

Process Capability - Animated learning example of CPK and CP (quality control)

EdNews - Regularly updated news feed relating to current issues in education

The Physics Classroom Tutorial - Newton's laws, Free body Diagrams, and kinematics explained in easy to comprehend format.

Signing online- Free Online instructional tutorial for learning sign language

Web2.0 - Background information regarding the medium you are currently using!

BBC Languages
- A site providing courses for foreign language aqcuisition, free of charge

Google Scholar- Open search engine for scholarly journals and print

Monday, September 22, 2008

About Me

Hello World!

My name is Kevin Stiffler and currently I am participating in a graduate level online collaborative study of e-teaching and learning. Before we embark on our adventure down that road, allow me to briefly introduce myself! I hope you are ready, because here we go...

I was born and raised in the Upper state region of New York. From a young age I was taught the value of family and friends, honesty, integrity, determination, acceptance, and independence.
I have traveled far and near, and gained much knowledge and increased tolerance in doing so. For example, I have gotten lost roaming the narrow streets of Venice, climbed the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower, drank sangria with locals in Barcelona, explored Roman Ruins in Rome, and discovered the beauty that is my own backyard so-to-say, all while living out of a backpack and gaining friendships, experiences, and knowledge from around the world. Currently I am nomadic, continuously following my passion for travel and learning.

I have completed a Bachelors in Technology Education from the College of St.Rose with a background in Mechanical Engineering/Engineering Sciences from Hudson Valley Community College. I have taught pre-engineering courses in a prestigious Upstate NY high school. I have also instructed and counseled for three (3) years at Woodward Sports Camp, an extreme sports camp for youth. It it through my passion for extreme sports in my experiences at Woodward that i found my love of education.

With a Masters degree from the University of Illinois I plan to continue to offer educational services to the world, only on a much larger scale. Currently I am limited to face-to-face interaction and minimal "distance" contact. I hope to expand my abilities, reach out to more persons, with greater distances, all while continuously traveling and learning myself.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You put your right foot in...

Just testing out the idea of using this instead of GoogleSites for my e-portfolio. I am thinking this site is aesthetically more pleasing.